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Old 17th November 2012, 04:56 AM
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badstrawberry badstrawberry is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Default Best Prisoner Punishments

What were your favourite punishments?

Not the punishments handed down by the establishment, but the punishments handed down by the top-dog or another prisoner in power.

There were the mainstays, like the occasional 'sending to Coventry' - and the boring, like the tedious council 'sentencing' prisoners to clean each others cells - and the notorious 'hand in the steam press' moment that Bea dealt Lyn for perceived crimes against children.

BUT, what about some of the more outlandish, 'fun' punishment storylines - what were your favourites?

I, personally, loved the supposed hanging of Lou and Lurch after the riot where Bob Moran crawled through the aircon with a handgun. Oh, and the litte haircut that Chrissie Latham got for murdering Bob Jackson.
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