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Old 12th December 2012, 07:25 PM
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Wes Wes is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Vermillion Sands, Cork, Ireland

Predators (C4 screening)

Actually...not bad. Unlike Predator 2 with it's half-baked mythologizing, this 2010 film strips it all back to the first film with one crucial twist - this time the jungle terrain the protagonists find themselves in is on some far flung safari planet. And that's about it really in terms of surprises, as mankind squares off again alien. What I liked about this film was its lack of pretension - even one intruiging idea, that the film is taking place in some sort of karmic Hell (the humans are all killers of some sort) is quickly disposed of to concentrate on the action. Considering the film takes place in nothing so exotic than your average movie studio jungle, and the film's refreshingly scant amount of CGI, one wonders what the producers blew their 40million budget on. Even Adrian Brody, no stranger to the odd clunker equips himself rather well here playing a gravelly-voiced hard-ass... Yeah, I liked it.

Plutonium Shores - a journal cataloging interests, obsessions and random musings... so I don't forget.
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