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Old 14th December 2012, 10:57 AM
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Location: Melbourne, Australia

Originally Posted by Ricky Chad View Post
I don't think we could call 'Arrow' old. They are still one of the leading firms in the UK releasing great titles. However from what I have read here it seems it was there choice. So goodluck to them.
From the looks of their most recent announcments, I honestly think that they might be trying to get away from the whole sleaze and gore side of things, between the laying off of Melton, and the starting of action, foreign (like Lady Snowblood), and softcore titles. But then again, I may be wrong, as High Rising has said that nearly Arrows whole catalog next year is horror.

Maybe Zombie Flesh Eaters was the big final sign off to the Cult Labs fans, like saying "You've begged for it, and as a thanks for being great fans, we'll give it to you as a going away gift"

Or maybe I'm reading into too much. I keep forgetting that they're still going to be releasing, it just feels like they're gone.
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