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Old 2nd January 2013, 08:15 PM
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bigrob bigrob is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: London

my opinion of this whole issue is that i don't spend good money on Home Cinema equipment to be shafted by studios that don't check their final product properly and give us titles that have issues. I can't remember any titles off the top of my head that had to be replaced during the Laserdisc / DVD years. I'm an avid movie buff that loves all home video formats and really look into the titles that i'm buying to ensure that it's the best version there is.

I'm a fan of Arrow trust me because i love their output but QC really needs to be tighten but in all honesty they aren't the only ones to fluff their titles


Pirates of the Carribean : Curse of the Black Pearl - misframed scenes

Cliffhanger (UK) - reversed surround.channels

AVP- R (US) Unrated cut missing a few unrated scenes (compared to the unrated DVD version)

Gladiator - woeful transfer

The Beyond - Opening sequence colour timing completly wrong

Die Hard 2 (US) DTS-HR instead of MA on the disc on most players (MA doesn't flag up apparently)

Taken (all releases outside the US) no subtitles activate for the french speaking parts. They do on the US BD

Apocalypse Now (CAN) discs 1 and 2 were labelled incorrectly

Lawrence of Arabia (UK) as above

This is an ongoing list that i'm putting together
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