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Old 16th June 2009, 12:24 AM
vipco vipco is offline
Cult Acolyte
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Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Belfast

Investors are starting to look at Horror Game franchise's for big screen adaptations , ie Resi Evil, Silent Hill and are eagerly eyeing the new wave of horror games that are heading to our consoles and maybe a cinema then BluRay retailer near you very soon. Horror and Games seems to be very much in vogue at the moment .

Film and Game colaborations in both directions makes perfect sense as both are the 2 top selling forms of Home Enterainment,

I know Dead Space is to get the film treatment and SAW is getting a game release, so with an unexpected allie with Game's , then maybe more joint colaborations between Film makers and Game dev's may not just be enough to see horror survive in the world of Hi Def, but could supply film makers with enough fresh ideas that could , quite possibly, be the start of a 'NEW' Golden Age for Horror Film.

My only worry is that as film playback for us fans gets more , clearer and detailed in this booming HD Era, that older films from the likes of Fulci, Franco, D' Amato etc, wont surive in the HD World and will disappear forever, with only their remakes left for future generations.
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