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Old 9th January 2013, 07:13 AM
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keirarts keirarts is offline
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Originally Posted by Rik View Post
I was busy doing uni work so I wasn't really paying attention, but I'm gonna watch it again this week.
As for your reduncy money, I got made redundant 3 years ago this March and they ****ed it up so we took the company to a tribunal and each receieved an extra £3000, it's worth checking that they are doing it properly, we didn't know any different but one guy figured out they were screwing us
I'm headed to citizens advice on friday for a consultation. when your a part-timer like me they are SUPPOSED to factor in overtime to calculate a weeks pay. They do this (or are supposed to) by looking at your last 12 weeks wages. My company hasnt done this and is trying to pay the bare minimum by basing it on my contract hours...

To quote peter finch in network

"i'm mad as hell and i'm not going to take it anymore!"
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