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Old 20th January 2013, 02:34 PM
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Cult Acolyte
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Melbourne, Australia

Originally Posted by Chinhead View Post
Can't fault your taste, but I'ma be PISSED if Alone in The Dark doesn't get announced now.

I can't see it. I've squinted at the teaser pics and none of them could represent AiTD by any stretch of the imagination. Maybe its too low profile?

If I had my own cult film dvd/blu-ray label, (And I often have to remind myself I DON'T. Normally when Arrow does something to wind me up...) I'd buy up a TON of 80's slashers. Cult fans have been waiting forever for decent editions of the Friday the 13th films, right? So why not whet their appetite with some other stalk-and-slash films while they wait! I understand a scene in AiTD may well have inspired Jason's 'hocky mask' look?
I'd buy any 80s slasher Arrow put out.

80s slasher is like the magical blind buy words for me
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