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Old 14th March 2013, 08:47 AM
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Roughale Roughale is offline
Seasoned Cultist
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Hamburg, Germany

Here you go, it is a true event, slightly polished up for a movie, I just hope the victim is not angry about this cheap expolitation attempt, but since i cannot even recall his name, I thin I am safe

The Gymnasium Changing Room Shoehorn Massacre


Being bothered by the constant nagging of his best friend, about not having learned how to properly tie his shoes, little Roughy (age 9) takes a swing with his sportbag and crushes it over his friend's head. Since the inability to tie and the instant of the moment lack of memory having a helping shoehorn in that bag, the hit hits home in a pretty bloody way, cutting open a spot on his friend's head, which instantly starts to spurt blood...

Note: Yeah, high drama there, he forgave me and said sorry to nag me and I joined him in the drive to the hospital and we were giggling all the way - funny that about 5 years later, i might have developed an appetite for his brain

Maybe that is not silly enough, but if I had a copy of that shower photo taken of me on a school trip, that might have won me something. The silly part about it is the fact that we were three, two of us (including myself) were shy about our jug ears, so we both covered them instead of what boy #3 covered
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