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Old 23rd June 2013, 05:59 PM
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trouserpress trouserpress is offline
Seasoned Cultist
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Eastbourne

I call this one the Auto-Lonely Nerd 3000. In the future role-playing games will have become so immersive and interactive that they will effectively only work for people who don't have jobs and can spend the weeks necessary to play. Enter the A.L.N. 3000. This is a lifelike robotic 14-year old with spots and glasses held together with sticky tape. It can be plugged in to the games on your behalf, and will exhibit the same socially awkward demeanour that any game player would have if they were there themselves. The robot will play for you enabling you to have a real job and still pop in from time to time to see how you're getting on.

The A.L.N. 3000 will not need sleep or food. Just the occasional episode of Baywatch should provide enough energy to keep it going.
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