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Old 3rd July 2013, 11:06 PM
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troggi troggi is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Portsmouth, UK
Blog Entries: 18

Lay-deeze AND Gennulmen! Tonight "50 SCI-FI Classics" gives us:
"The Amazing Transparent Man" 1960
"The Atomic Brain" 1964

"The Amazing Transparent Man" Starts out with a man that we, the audience, can see but obviously the guards of the prison he is escaping from can't! If it was so easy to get out of gaol in the USA of 1960 it is little wonder that so many crooks got into the Whitehouse! He is picked up, in a convertible, by a lovely lady and taken, through police roadblocks, to an isolated farmhouse. There a power crazy guy and a doctor make him invisible so he can nick radioactive material for them. WHY? Why bother making this bloke invisible, prison guards and policemen can't see him anyway.

The plot is ludicrous with more holes in it than my old diesel boat shreddies (that's "submariner's underpants" to the uninitiated). The best actor in the whole film was a guinea pig, and even then only after it had been turned invisible! I won't bother talking about the "dire-logue"!

Having said all that there are some plus points to this film, well one plus point, when I say plus point I mean that it... Oh! Alright, it's short. Almost forgot, the other good thing about it is that it isn't "She Gods of Shark Reef"!

1/10 'cos I'm feelin' generous!

"The Atomic Brain"This film is a little better than the previous bucket of swill. The premise is that a rich, hateful old woman hires a scientist to transfer her brain into the body of a ravishing young woman. He practices on corpses and then they hire three girls from different parts of the world. Of course things go tits up and mayhem ensues.

There is little else to say about this turkey except that I enjoyed it. This film is one of those terrible movies that looks at you straight in the eyes and says "yes I'm crap and I know it!" and joyfully revels in it's crapiness. 4/10 for being unapologetic. Trust me, watch it and you'll see what I mean
"Sometimes my soul just moves so slow
Like a dream of diesel heart that just won't go"

Monster Magnet
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