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Old 21st July 2013, 11:21 PM
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troggi troggi is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Portsmouth, UK
Blog Entries: 18

In my case I do not believe I have seen my "favourite film" yet! Because of this my top 10 has to be a working document, one that can be added to, deleted from and re-ordered. Bear with me because this is like deciding which of my fingers I like the most they each have their merits.

troggi's top ten (today)
10. "The Wicker Man" There is so much going on in this well crafted British piece that it is hard to find out what makes it so good, "everything" I suppose is the answer. It is probably the answer as to why it should never have been remade!
9. "Dracula" Lugosi playing the ancient Count for the first time but you might have guessed that the star of the show, in my eyes, is Dwight Frye!
8. "Silent Movie" Mel Brooks again and with the late, great Marty Feldman. Yes, Feldman stole the show in "Young Frankenstein" and he is slightly out-performed here by Dom DeLuise but it is always good to see him.
7. "Night of the Living Dead" I "ummed and arred" about this one and really it should be the whole trilogy. What "Dawn..." has in comedy "Night..." has in a bleak, almost documentary style which is chilling.
6. "The Bride of Frankenstein" Quite possibly the campest of the Universal Monster Movies but definitely the best.
5. "Drunken Master" OR "Snake in the Eagles Shadow" Jackie Chan showing early promise in these two brilliant and funny "chop sockie" flicks.
4. "A Clockwork Orange" Because of Kubrick's feelings about the film I had to wait almost 30 years to see it! I was 11 when it came out and 39 when I finally saw it all without the fog of a too often copied VHS.
3. "The Exorcist" A groundbreaker, special effects, story, soundtrack and stars. Without this film there would have been a lot less exorcism movies around today!
2. "Young Frankenstein" Without a doubt THE best movie parody EVER, it takes it's subject matter lovingly and then spins it into something that is totally new, funny, and respectful all at the same time.
1. "Hero" OR "Fearless" Both Jet Li movies, both have excellent set-pieces - "Fearless" is a better story "Hero" is just gob-smackingly gorgeous!

I have to add that creating this list and trying to order it has been a very hard task and that the list is far more fluid than it looks. The order could be completely different in another half an hour!
"Sometimes my soul just moves so slow
Like a dream of diesel heart that just won't go"

Monster Magnet
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