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Old 13th August 2013, 05:53 PM
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trebor8273 trebor8273 is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: UK

Any one seen any of the films in this box set. Is it worth getting?

Ali Baba and the Seven Saracens
Atlas in the Land of the Cyclops
The Avenger
Caesar the Conqueror
Cleopatra s Daughter
Colossus and the Amazon Queen
Colossus and the Headhunters
The Conqueror of the Orient
Damon and Pythias
David and Goliath
Duel of Champions
Fire Monsters Against the Son of Hercules
Fury of Achilles
Fury of Hercules
The Giant of Marathon
The Giants of Rome
The Giants of Thessaly
Gladiators of Rome
Goliath and the Dragon
Goliath and the Sins of Babylon
Hercules against the Barbarians
Hercules against the Mongols
Hercules against the Moon Men
Hercules and the Captive Wome
Hercules and the Masked Rider
Hercules and the Princess of Troy
Hercules and the Tyrants of Babylon
Hercules Unchained
Hero of Rome
Herod the Great
Kindar the Invulnerable
The Last of the Vikings
Maciste in King Solomon s Mines
Mole Men Against the Son of Hercules
Queen of the Amazons
Romulus and the Sabines
Samson and the Seven Miracles of the World
Son of Hercules in the Land of Darkness,
Son of Samson
Spartacus and the Ten Gladiators
The Ten Gladiators
Thor and the Amazon Women
Triumph of the Son of Hercules
Two Gladiators
Ulysses against the Son of Hercules
Ursus in the Land of Fire
Ursus in the Valley of the Lions
Vengeance of Ursus
Vulcan, Son of Jupiter
The White Warrior
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