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Old 14th August 2013, 11:13 AM
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sjconstable sjconstable is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: England

Seconds - 2/5

I'm into films where people have their faces changed, but this one was just rather boring, especially since I've seen things like The Face of Another and Eyes Without a Face which are much more interesting. I wasn't impressed with its lauded cinematography either, and the protagonist was irritating.

Beyond the Black Rainbow - 1.5/5

Some nice visuals and sounds, but at nearly 2 hours it's a chore. It really could do with a load more editing just to make it watchable. The acting and dialogue is pretty bad, and the tonal shift near the end of the film totally doesn't fit. But it's obvious a lot of effort was put into it by an inexperienced director.

The Cemetery Man/Dellamorte Dellamore - 4/5

Lots of fun and I didn't know where it was going to end up. '**** off!' *Bang* It'd be nice to see Soavi's films come out on Blu-ray, I know there's an Italian BD of this but presumably I won't be able to understand the extras.
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