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Old 28th October 2013, 10:19 AM
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troggi troggi is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Portsmouth, UK
Blog Entries: 18

"Comic Heroes Magazine" from those lovely people at SFX is a bi-monthly publication (no, it's not exclusively for those with an AC/DC sexuality, anyone can read it). The fairly hefty price tag of £8.99 is, in my opinion, justified by the sheer quality and quantity of news, interviews, reviews and other articles in the mag. This month's theme is "super doubles team ups" obviously because of the controversy surrounding the forth-coming Supes and Bats love-in movie.

I was a little disappointed, initially, in this month's"Darkside" mag because the promised article on Maddy Smith (y' know, er... big, beautiful... er... eyes ) did not appear. Not to worry though 'cos they've stuck in an article on Me Me Lai, with some nice stills, and an interview with Barbara Bouchet, also with great stills. Also between the covers of this month's offering is an article on cinema double bills, they may not make financial sense in this increasingly capitalist world but, boy, were they fun! "BRING BACK the DOUBLE BILL," that's what I say, and stick in some cartoons for good measure, preferably ones that haven't seen the inside of a cinema for 20 years!

There's a fascinating article on "mollies," poecilia sp. in "Practical Fishkeeping" this month but most of you wouldn't be bothered, I know...

On a more relevant note Marvel Now give us the latest and last instalment in the "Iron Man" saga"Secret Origins of Tony Stark" story arc and I definitely did not see that one coming! There could be some strange repercussions down the line after this one, mark my words!

Of course the delivery to Room 237, my friendly local comic shop, did not include the order for "The Department of Monsterology" which was due on Wednesday! I read about this comic in "Comic Heroes" in August and have been waiting patiently to read it, the current issue of the "Judge Dredd: Megazine" has a prequel to the series which piqued my interest even more. I'm so glad that I don't bite my nails!

Well that's an abridged version of my comics and magazine shopping for the month, I've missed out "2000AD" and Titan's "The Dark Knight" and new "Arrow" comics as well as Marvel's Collector Series "The Incredible Hulks" (yes it's plural Hulkage, folks)!

Happy reading!
"Sometimes my soul just moves so slow
Like a dream of diesel heart that just won't go"

Monster Magnet
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