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Old 1st December 2013, 05:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Gothmogxx View Post
Would these films get by today cut/uncut-

. Gutterballs (I'd give it a 50/50 chance myself)
. New York Ripper (I actually emailed the BBFC about this one sometime ago. I'll post the whole thing if I can find it.)

And now for these films. I've not seen any of these. But I've been assured that all of them would likely be cut or even rejected. So how severe would the cuts (or rejections) be for-

. Murder Set Pieces
. Nekromantrik 1 and 2
. The August Underground Trilogy
. All of the Guinea Pig films

And how much would they have to cut out of Grotesque for a rating? If thats even possible?
You can forget ever seeing Murder Set Pieces uncut over here, it would require a phenomenal amount of cuts, there would have be cuts to almost every scene. When I noticed the film was to be submitted to the BBFC I made a point of checking it out before they made their decision. It was so obvious that it was going to be rejected. And it will probably be at least 20 years before the film is re-submitted.

One must remember what happened just before this with the director's NUTBAG, which required 7m of cuts. And there is no way that this will ever get through unscathed here either. And Murder Set Pieces is a lot more extreme.

The BBFC pass Gutterballs uncut? No chance. The 10m gang rape will require substantial cuts for an 18. This is an exploitation film completely devoid of any artistic merit.

The hard core sex scene should pass though.

It is extremely doubtful that any of the August Undergrounds will ever find their way to the BBFC, and their response would be merciless if anyone was stupid enough to do so.

Then again I often hear that they want the films to be banned here so they can sell more copies in the States. Perhaps not so dumb.


Would it pass? I see no reason why not, especially as they have already approved the first film at a recent film festival. Neither film contains anything illegal.

I have to admit I have a soft spot for these 2 films as unpleasant as they are, and would like to see them released here but I doubt they will ever be submitted.

The Guinea Pig Films

Again it's extremely doubtful these films will ever be submitted to the BBFC.

No sexual violence in these films means it's highly unlikely there would be any serious issues today.


The violence is no worse than in numerous torture porn films the BBFC have passed in recent years and had the film ended with the killer being apprehended by the police and then given a 30 years prison sentence then there is little doubt they would have considered passing it albeit with cuts to the sexual violence in the earlier part of the film. But as things stood their view was that the film revelled in its scenes of sadistic violence for it's own sake.

Personally I can see the film passing with cuts in the not too distant future.

And New York Ripper

It will pass uncut on the day the BBFC pass House on the Edge of the Park uncut. And Vice versa.
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