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Old 7th December 2013, 11:02 AM
Robbmeister X Robbmeister X is offline
Cult Rookie
Join Date: Nov 2013

I can understand that line of reasoning. I wouldn't be inclined to ban anything, but some of these are definitely 'watch once so you can say you've watched it' films. Nekromantic 1 and 2 I would actually like to see released, because they actually have some artistic value (I really like the second one), but they are still pretty uncomfortable films.

I made an error in my previous post and amended it. Entrails of a Virgin, now that I remember it more fully, would face heavy cuts to its rape scenes. These are unwatchable for the wrong reasons, though. The horrendously high pitched, OTT fake orgasm noises overdubbed through every sex scene make the film unbearable; it's supposed to be erotic (?) but it's like listening to a thousand chipmunks being slaughtered. Added to that, there are the pathetic effects. I haven't seen Entrails of a Virgin 2. I'll get around to it, but the first film was so bad it put me off.

Last edited by Robbmeister X; 7th December 2013 at 11:32 AM.
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