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Old 10th January 2014, 06:57 PM
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trebor8273 trebor8273 is offline
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Location: UK

The fury

Not as creepy or disturbing as when I saw it as a kid but still a great shocker that is beautifully shot and has a wondful John Williams score. Great performances all round and john cassavetes is a truly disturbing character with no redeeming qualities, each of his scenes has a quite chilling menace to them.

For me the best scene is the escape which starts with the feeling of joy and soon desends into a sense of despair and loss, which is helped greatly by the wondful score and de Palmas direction. Other great scenes is the fairground scene and the spin me right round like a record scene ( as I like to call it) where the character of Robin snaps. 9.5/10

Nightmare city

A good job has been done with the restoration, but someplace there is a drop in quality. It's not the best film but it's very enjoyable with some good gore, but I always thought the zombies or what ever they are look like someone who has placed there head in a bucket of shit and let it dry. Extra wise with have trailers and a 49.27 minute interview with umberto lenzi. I do expect the arrow version late this year will have more extras and probably even more of a improvement in picture quality. 7.5/10

Now watch the blood beast of terror.
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