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Old 6th June 2014, 11:32 PM
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Dave Boy Dave Boy is offline
Cult Acolyte
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: U.K

Due to overwhelming support of my usually most super duper movie reviews, here's an updated review thingy of a film that sparked some interest. I fank you...

Strangler Of The Swamp (1946)

A ferryman out in a swamp village is wrongly hanged and now various villagers are being found strangled to death. The deaths are passed off as accidents but the superstitious among the villagers quote a curse of the hanged man and his spectre is seen in the swamps.

Very atmospheric chiller. The film rarely moves from the swamp set which is a mass of twisted trees and mist laying in the air. The creepy atmosphere would not look out of place in a Val Lewton film or the Universal horrors and the villagers constant talk of curses and death keep the film running along at a good pace. Included in this film is a good looking gal as the heroine and although the film may be a cheap poverty row horror, this is one of the best.

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