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Old 14th October 2014, 08:37 AM
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fuzzymctiger fuzzymctiger is offline
Cult Acolyte
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Melbourne, Australia

Haven't posted on this thread in ages, but with exams coming up, any excuse to procrastinate will kick my ass into gear.

Rec 2 - Great improvement upon the first, and the first was great. 2nd one went immediately straight into the action and investigation, and getting the back story to the situation was very nice. This was a solid 7 or 8, right up until the end, when the night vision cameras come on. The walls and doors appearing and disappearing in the dark was a great concept, and the freaky thing with the hammer was awesome. 9/10

The Skin I Live In - A tad slow, but once the back story starts 40 minutes in, this seriously disturbing revenge story kicks into gear. Extremely interesting concept and well executed, just a bit of pacing problems. 8/10

One Missed Call (Japanese) - No matter how desensitized I've become, Japanese horror movies always manage to scare the shit out of me. Case in point right here. Had to turn it off at the hospital scene and finish the next day (Don't judge me, it was a late night and I was alone.) While some think it's a rip off of other earlier J Horrors, I love the concept, with great twists, ridiculous kills and very good suspense. 9/10

The 'Burbs - Fantastic. What a great time I had watching this. Ridiculous concept with ridiculous performances by a fantastic all round cast (Tom Hanks, Corey Feldman, Carey Fisher!!!). Absolute hoot, even if it got a bit too silly at end. Loved the score as well.

Nightmare - Grimy, gritty, sleazy, and famously, nasty. Didn't hold the impact second time around it had first time (I honestly thought the kid had gotten stabbed). Very interesting slasher, with a unique take on things. Fantastically brutal gore effects, and some nice tense scenes. Sadly, performances are a bit cheesy and writing is too, but what's to be expected from a 80's slasher? 7/10

Goto, The Isle Of Love - Fairly slow at times, but what an interesting concept. Loved the fly traps. 9/10

Blanche - Super slow and tedious at first, but by the time the page got walled in, things became very very interesting, and almost felt worthy of Shakespeare. Also noticing Borowzyck's earlier works are all very front on, almost like watching a play. 7/10

The Theatre of Mr and Mrs Kabal - God this was tedious. If all the different bits (ie, the beach, inside Mrs Kabal, etc.) were individual short films, it'd be great, but all lumped together, with minimal dialogue or explanation, or anything really, got very very old very quickly. 4/10

Immoral Tales - First time watching erotica of any kind (if it's even considered that, idk), and was quite excited as the concept interested me greatly. Watched the L'Age D'Or cut. For the most part, I really really liked this. But the long lingering explicit shots of bodies detracted for the film experience in my opinion, and the second segment was almost a bit too much. As for the Beast segment, that was so stupid and explicit I completely understand why it got it's own movie instead of ruining the mood of this film. I look forward to seeing more of his work (and eventually the Beast if I get a chance) 9/10

No Country For Old Men - Slow, quiet, but simply fantastic. The menace brought by Anton Chigurh's character, and great honest performances by Josh Brolin and co, made this a very very enjoyable film. Ending and twist were rather... Interesting, but I felt they defined the characters 10/10

The Raid 2 - Amazing action sequences, but a weak plot, and a bit overlong. Not to mention the prison yard fight's levels of brutality were maybe a tad too much. 8/10

Pink Floyd's The Wall - A sobering emotional experience. A favorite of mine, seen many times, I took my girlfriend to see it with me in 70mm. Rude shock when the black opening was, ironically, pink. The print had faded to extreme levels in the first reels, but luckily it fixed mostly for the rest, retaining a slight pink/orange feel to it. Girlfriend thought it was great, but frightening. 10/10
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