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Old 16th October 2014, 06:42 PM
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trebor8273 trebor8273 is offline
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When I was younger aliens used to be my favourite of the movies but as I have gotten older and tastes change this is now my favourite( same goes for terminator and terminator 2) . a classic that's still as atmospheric and griping as the first time I saw it.10/10

Exorcist 3

A huge step up from the second movie but still not in the same league as the first and it really could of been its own movie with the slender link to the first. Some great imagery (heaven beng one which I found a little creepy ) added to that some chilling and disturbing moments and decent acting, we have a good movie that can stand on its own merits. 8.5/10

Mr majestyk

A average run of the mill Bronson film that's very tame compared to most of his movies around the same time. But that thanks to good old Charlie it's still a enjoyable tale of a watermelon farmer who who has trouble with the mob and sets out to set things right. In a lot of ways it reminded me of a episode of the A team minus the a team. I would love to see a remake that is more violent with Jason Statham as Mr Kipling taking on the criminal underworld as they try to muscle in on his cake business . 7.5/10

Now watching the visitor which I'm enjoying a lot more than the poor reviews on Amazon would suggest.

Last edited by trebor8273; 16th October 2014 at 08:00 PM.
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