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Old 27th October 2014, 10:43 AM
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nosferatu42 nosferatu42 is offline
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Join Date: May 2013
Location: Castle Fronkensteen

Originally Posted by profondo rosso View Post
Thanks, the more I searched for images the more nostalgic it become. A lot of memories, which in was the best part of my childhood and teen years. Magical times. I remember wanting so much to get into SFX but there were no courses for me to become the next Tom Savini, I remember in mags they advertised courses down London way, but coming from the Midlands back then seemed 1000's miles away and finacialy impossible. I now can not imagine my life without horror and sci-fi in it. It is not just escapism, it is like it is part of me, although I do find a lot of the latest horror is poop and thats not just so I can hark on about the past but I would love to see something when Hellraiser come out....that blew me away at the time.
I still collect horror vinyl and magazines, though this has slowed down due to space and an irritating noise in my left hear called the missus.
A lot of that stuff reminds me of myself, the late night bbc stuff that started it all off, i too read the scream comics (love 'em) avidly and used to get horror books from local markets etc, was reading James Herbert and Stephen King and those Pan horror stories by the age of 10.

Meeting someone at about 15 who had dodgy copies of Fulci, Nasties and Giallo, (even though i'd already rented a lot of the uk released horror,even though they were obviously already mutilated by the BBFC.)
Oh and i was also spawned in the Midlands too,
doppelganger alert !!

Must be something in the water.

Liked the BBC intro, did you read the darkside mag issue a few copies back that had listing details for all of the films shown on those pivotal double bills.
Pure nostalgia.

MIKE: I've got it! Peter Cushing! We've got to drive a stake through his heart!
VYVYAN: Great! I'll get the car!
NEIL: I'll get a cushion.
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