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Old 5th November 2014, 07:33 PM
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trebor8273 trebor8273 is offline
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Brain from planet arous


The film starts with a nuclear scientist and his best friend who find a strange radioactive reading and decide to investigate. Not long after arriving they discover a cave that has just recently appeared. While exploring they find a huge transparent disembodied Brain which takes over the scientist body and kills best friend, he ends up return home with plans of world conquest and the power to destroy things with his mind.

Unknowing to the creature a law office has been dispatched to catch him and takes over the body of the scientist girlfriends dog to keep A eye on him. As silly as its sounds I found it very enjoyable and even a little creepy when the creature displayed its powers. 8/10

World without end.


The film starts with the first man mission to orbit Mars losing contact with earth things soon take a turn for the worst when the ship enters a time warp and is flung 500 hundred years into the future. The crew of the ship first think they have landed on a undiscovered planet, but soon figure out they are still on earth but in the future after a nuclear war were the surface is dominated by savage mutants.

While fleeing they find the remains of mankind living below ground. We soon find that civilisation has stunted and the remaining humans are only concerned about bettering there life underground and are to scared to reclaim the surface, the men are all really what can only be described as runts of the litter, so it's no surprise when the women who are all beautiful get all wet when they see our strapping heroes. The crew try too encourage the people to reclaim the surface, but are stop at ever turn by one of the runts who is jealous that one of the women wants nothing to to with him. Eventually they manage to convince everyone to reclaim the surface. Which was half the ending I was expecting but also expected them to find someway to get home as at the begining we see the young family of one the crew men. It reminded me a lot of the time machine, even more so because Rod Taylor is a member of the crew. 9/10

Now watching the disappearance of flight 412 followed by GOG

Decided to post these sci fi films with posters as I find them very intresting and in some case a lot better than the films themselves, it's a shame that film poster of today aren't as interfering as this older ones

Last edited by trebor8273; 5th November 2014 at 08:05 PM.
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