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Old 9th November 2014, 11:00 AM
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Originally Posted by keirarts View Post
Evils of the night.

A group of aliens set up shop in an abandoned old hospital. They're looking for the blood of young humans between the ages of 16-24 in order to extend their life spans. Why that age group? Because...... reasons!
fortunately for the aliens the hospital is right next to the woods, where most of the local teenagers (who all look to be in their mid to late 20's) go to drink and screw and swim in the lake. The aliens are too busy with science stuff to actually break out the nets and go hunting for horny teens so instead they pay a couple of greasy auto mechanics gold coins to go out in masks and do the work for them (Played to seedy perfection by Neville Brand and Aldo Ray). The rationale being that they are the thickest sods in the area and happy to commit major felonies for gold coins. Why the aliens actually use gold coins is another mystery, once again its probably down to reasons. So stop asking awkward questions the clumsy exposition scenes can't provide satisfactory explanations for. Unfortunately the two grease monkeys are way to into their new jobs and seem to kill as many kids as they capture. Even when things go to plan the aliens have this stupid habit of leaving their victims in unlocked rooms unattended and the act surprise when the victims bolt.

Evils of the night is a video era cheapie with plenty of bloods and boobs, lingering shots of naked teens screwing (including the lovely Amber Lynn) and some genuinely atrocious dialogue. However its also pretty fun on a trashy level and so long as you're in the mood for something entertaining in the trashiest sense imaginable then its worth seeking this out.
I was highly entertained by the film.
My god you sold me on that one.

Is this the one with the artwork with the chick with the big tits and the tentacles or hands, and the Millenium falcon in the background? Gorgon Video?
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