Thread: Censorship
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Old 5th December 2014, 05:34 PM
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Boo Radley Boo Radley is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
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Those stalwart bastions of our decency and morals have protected us again, God bless them all...

House on the Hill. Passed 18 for strong violence, sexual violence after 7:12s of BBFC compulsory cuts .... 7 MINUTES...... of course Cuts required in line with BBFC Guidelines, policy and the Video Recordings Act 1984. Which in plain English says that there are no laws being used here, only guidelines that are interpreted by individuals.....

The Inbetweeners 2. 20 minutes.... Really? Oh yes, but remember IT'S NOT THE FAULT OF THE BBFC.... They offered them an uncut 18 but THE COMPANY refused the rating...It doesn't matter that the BBFC have ridiculous and unexplainable criteria regarding what a 17 year old can hear and an 18.......
BBFC commented:

This film was previously seen for advice. The company was advised the film was likely to be classified 18 but that their preferred 15 could be achieved by making reductions to two scenes involving crude humour.

Maybe the cut scenes tried to find their way back on to the disk as Deleted Scenes. But the BBFC were having none of it. The DVD/Blu-ray extra entitled Deleted Scenes was cut by 19m 54s.

Yeah, because when you are only 17 if you hear the word **** more than 7 times in a film you will turn into a hooligan....or some such thing...

Gun Woman. 5 seconds.. apparently has been edited because.....Cut required to remove focus on a man's pleasure in the context of sexual violence.
OMG!! We can't have that!! No, I say! If he is doing sexual violence on a woman we cannot see gratification on his face! No, he must be sad...or angry...or confused...or crying...anything - but not happy! Cut it out! Cut it out now! ...oh, they already have! Phew!

Found. Apparently the version submitted to the BBFC was already shorn of 99 seconds. Found (Comparison: BBFC 18 - Unrated) -
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