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Old 9th December 2014, 07:19 PM
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trebor8273 trebor8273 is offline
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Blazing saddles


Comedy gold. A comedy classic that never gets old as funny now as when I first saw it. Thanks to wonderful characters,script and acting. The best western spoof ever made . Will never be bettered. 10/10


Star Trek the motion(less) picture.
Paramount needed a sci film after Star Wars was such a huge hit for fox. So they decided to cancel the plans for a new Star Trek series called phase 2 and went for this movie. It had some amazing effects and was a bit of a love letter to Star Trek fans ( the scene were we see the enterprise). The direction was good thanks to Robert Wise at the helm, but sadly we had very dull script which had been done before in the orginal series to better effect(the changeling ). Painful slow at times with not much happening, it's nearly 40 minutes before the enterprise launches. But if you are a trek fan there is fun to be had and it was far a lot of fans like revisiting old friends after not seeing them for awhile. Really didn't like it much when I was younger but it's is a good scifi movie, if a little slow and why do the crew appear to be wearing there pyjamas. 7/10


Now watching married to the mob.

Last edited by trebor8273; 9th December 2014 at 07:33 PM.
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