Thread: Censorship
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Old 3rd January 2015, 10:58 AM
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Boo Radley Boo Radley is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Oxford

Ha!! You wish! I will moan and bitch about censorship till I'm old and bald! .... Okay, older and balder.

Since we're on that subject, (Cough, cough..!) let me tell you what winds me up even more than our ridiculous censorship guidelines.

It's film fans that are so apathetic and PC brainwashed that they agree and will argue in defence of the BBFC rulings. It appears, to my very narrow mind-set, that there are great swathes of you (No, not you personally...) that really don't care if a film is cut or not. They then try to twist it back onto you, if you champion a particular scene they personally dislike, by either labelling you or making you out, in the best Daily Mail fashion, to be a deviant sick individual that gets off on images considered too graphic for general consumption.

"Oh, I won't watch anything with real animal violence in it as it's just not acceptable in this day and age and if you do, then you're sick!" he says in his leather jacket and shoes, tucking into a bacon sandwich watching the news on telly showing dead children in Syria.

Films are historic documents, they have their place in human history, reflecting the morals, attitudes and visions of artists submerged in the deceit of their times. They are important. To remove scenes is a sin. We look back on Victorian sensibilities that chiselled off male genitalia on statues and shake our heads in disbelief. They never achieved anything, just mutilated a work of art. Cutting films is no different. In fact if you look at what the BBFC does to pornography, it's very similar.

A film fan agreeing with censorship is like an art critic agreeing to painting black boxes over area's of a picture or saying H R Giger is too sexual and banning certain of his pictures. The art world would erupt in a furore but in the moving picture genre too many are prepared to go along with the flock, nod their heads sagely and say, "Well... even though no one on the planet has ever committed a crime because of violent images in a film, there ARE people out there, who could, maybe, in the future, see such images and copy them and we have to protect society from that 1 in 7.5 billion chance."

For me, if you are a fan of extreme cinema then you automatically have to be against censorship. It's a given. You cannot be pro film and pro censorship. They are diametrically opposed to each other and mutually incompatible. We all have limits to what we consider unacceptable but I believe these to be self evident and need no debate whatsoever, we are talking Fantasy Films here, not crimes....yeah?

And when film fans sit back and accept the ruling elite dictate what they are allowed to watch or not, with no set parameters or cohesive laws to refer to and stay silent on the subject, or even worse, become collaborators to the fact, it nips my arse something chronic!! You're meant to be a film fan, for facks sake, choose a side!!
See come the revolution...... first up against the wall!
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