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Old 22nd February 2015, 10:08 PM
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Originally Posted by trebor8273 View Post

The first Hannibal lecter film before anyone had really heard of the character. For me far superior to the remake (red dragon )in nearly every way, acting,direction and soundtrack. Vary tame compared to the tv show which is to be expect with its age. In someways I found Cox's performane more menacing than Hopkins whose performance as the movies went on seemed to get more OTT and hammy. 8/10
Am I the only man on this planet who thinks Manhunter is the definition of how not to make a film out of a book? I have read all the Harris books and neither of the films do justice to the character of Francis Dolarhyde but Bryan Cox is a terrible terrible terrible Hannibal. Hannibal is a sophisticated Eastern-European/American man, and I couldn’t imagine even seeing Cox's name on a list of people you would cast for that role if your instructions were to find an educated sophisticated Eastern European-American citizen to be in your movie??

Also, the soundtrack to the Manhunter film is irritating. I will never forget the god awful ‘Inna Godda Davida’ song ever. Whenever im stressed i can hear that song on loop, just like in the movie. It's just so annoying to hear, if a lobotomy would take that sound away I would take one.

The character of Will Graham is complicated and almost autistic in style. The best actor I have seen imitate that character from the book is the actor from the current TV show. He has the job, as far as im concerned. The actor in manhunter has such flat delivery of Will's lines when Will is talking his way into a crime scene. I have no idea how this movie or it's below par cast ever inspired such over the top admiration from the viewers.

I respect Trebor and this isn’t aimed at bringing his opinion down because I don’t know anyone who feels like I do. However, after trying to watch this film five or six times I just can't see it for anything other than a bastardisation of Harris and his work. I feel we all owe Harris a little more than to compare Manhunter with Red Dragon but IF we must, how can anyone discount Philly Hoffman as Fred Lounds. Also, Anthony Hopkins will always be the best Hannibal and ‘Ralph-strange-name-Fiennes’ does a great job of channeling Dolarhyde (but like I said neither of the actors that have played this evil character have done the book justice in my opinion).

Guys help me out here, this film is bloody terrible. Honestly just terrible.
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