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Old 13th July 2015, 06:57 AM
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keirarts keirarts is offline
Cult Addict
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Barrow-in-furness
Blog Entries: 14


If your on your holidays, never, ever, agree to take Tisa Farrow to an island. Inevitably bad things are going to happen. Here she takes a bunch of people she just met to some out of the way Greek Island. It seems at first that the place has been abandoned but it seems George Eastman is on the loose eating people. Its never quite clear what George is at this point, we discover he did eat his wife and child to stay alive while stuck in a dinghy out in the middle of the ocean which is sure to send a person a wee bit mental. However here he's an almost indestructible killing machine that apparently the police could not stop. His face looks a little scabby, and my best guess is he's some sort of Wendigo.
This is one of those films that draws a lot of mixed opinions. For some its a slow dreary plodder of a film, others feel its an underrated gem and one of Joe d'amatos best pictures. I'm in the camp that says its good, its pretty atmospheric and slowly builds the horror up. Some of the effects work is iffy, the scene of him removing and eating an unborn feotus looks rather daft but overall its an interesting little chiller with a great electonic soundtrack.

Zombie Holocaust.

Speaking of Tisa Farrow, one of her previous marks, Ian Mcullough turns up here leading a team to some remote south east Asian hell hole to investigate a tribe of cannibals who may have started up operations in New York..... for some reason. It's not quite clear WHY, especially as its later established that the tribe are primitive savages but just go with it. Once there it goes the typical cannibal exploitation route of wandering through jungles and getting attacked by extras paid minimum wage to munch on offal. However, as the Zombie movie was quickly overtaking the Cannibal movie producer Fabrizio De Angelis decided to make it a zombie movie as well. Here we get resident surgeon Dr. Obrero, AkA Dr Butcher M.D (medical Deviant!) who has decided to use the tribe to perfect Brain transplants. He's a total nutter who gets some of the best lines ("I'm determined to have your brain, It will be the culmination of my career!") however his experiments have so far created zombie-esque slaves who wander the forest terrorising the locals. We also get the lovely Alexandra Delli Colli removing her clothes at several key points however I'm never going to complain about that.
Zombie Holocaust is a bizarre frankenstein's creature of a film. It contains elements of whatever seemed popular at the time including Cannibal and Zombie movies, fused in with a tacked on scene at the beginning of a corpse having its hand nicked. We also get left over cast and locations re-used from the bigger budgeted and better executed Zombie Flesh-eaters. However crap it is, it still remains an entertaining and sleazy piece of exploitation thats far too short to outlive its welcome. Add in Alexandra delli collis boobs and you have a perfect evenings entertainment.
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