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Old 14th August 2015, 03:23 PM
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Boo Radley Boo Radley is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Oxford

Ha! The missus on nights, the boy at his grandma''s Guinea Pig time!

I am a bit of a gorehound, I loves a bit of the claret spraying about in films and if a scene makes me wince or curl my toes, all the better for it. The Japanese Guinea Pig seared itself into my brain all those years ago and I sat in trepidation for this new re-make with bated breath.

Holy shit, what a disappointment! The last time I felt this deflated was after I met Cindi in that Bangkok bar who later turned out to be called Dave. Total and utter dross, there is nothing to recommend this at all...and I really wanted to like it.

The effects are soooo badly done, amateurish beyond belief with some of the worst skin and limbs I've ever seen. And I have seen some shit FX before!! Filmed on two cameras, one a 16 mm, the other a video recorder, the film (Film...that's a laugh!) switches from one really grainy image to one slightly better. You could say they were going for that snuff movie myth aesthetic but you would have to be really forgiving to do so. The blood looks like corn syrup and they have no idea what a human body actually looks like on the inside.

At times I felt a Last House on Dead End Street vibe but that stands head and shoulders above this. Even the effects in "Snuff" (The video nasty) were superior to what's on show here. If I raised $35 000.00 and put this out as the result I would be ashamed, and I've never made a movie in my life, but I'm damn sure I could have done something better than this!

If you were wondering what the fuss is all about and if you should give it a go then my recommendation would be not to bother. The original shits all over this and this abomination just sullies the reputation.
"Why did they have to go and cut her for?" "She could have been used two, maybe three more times!"
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