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Old 16th August 2015, 07:17 AM
Michael Brooke Michael Brooke is offline
Seasoned Cultist
Join Date: Nov 2011

Originally Posted by DaveH View Post
Nightmare City turned up today, watched the restoration version which has a bit of print damage, especially in the first 15 mins but also has some excellent detail, its a pity only 2 known prints seemingly exist as it could have been a rival for arrows own zombie flesh Blu-ray. I gave the dupe negative a quick spin and it appears to have substantially less print damage but also less image detail. Arrow must have put a great deal of work into this release and It makes for probably the best version we'll see of Nightmare City.

It's not so much "print damage" as "irreversible chemical decay to the camera negative".

In fact, prints - as in copies made for cinema projection - are very rarely used as the basis of Blu-rays and ideally should never be, as they're quite unsuitable (too contrasty, for starters), although sometimes it's unavoidable. But in the case of Nightmare City there wasn't any point tracking down any prints as they'd be as soft as the dupe negative that was used to make the second transfer - softer, in fact, because they'd be a further generation removed. Sadly, the only surviving element offering a genuinely sharp picture is the damaged original camera negative.
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