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Old 25th August 2015, 05:19 PM
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Originally Posted by bizarre_eye@Cult Labs View Post
Human Experiments (1979)

A strange blend of women in prison film meets psychological shocker, Human Experiments doesn't delve into either of the aforementioned subjects as well or as thoroughly as other fare from around same period and instead decides to tread a tepid line between the two.

Linda Haynes gives a little lift to the proceedings as the wrongly imprisoned 'victim' who is subjected to torture and brainwashing at the hands of Geoffrey Lewis, himself portraying the unbalanced asylum doctor.

A curiosity for sure, but there isn't much here that you won't have seen before... except perhaps some entomological related shootings and light mashed potato torture.

Originally posted here: Nightmare USA Films Discussion Thread

this one is apparently due out from Scorpion...sometime.


Continuing a theme of wide eyed innocent women wandering through a strange and occasionally dangerous settings with a dreamlike atmosphere. Here two Virginal young women escape from an asylum and join up with a group of travelling performers, eventually ending up at the docks where they seek a way of leaving this strange harsh world they find themselves in.
Like night of the hunted this isn't a horror, an people who find Rollin's films alienating may have issues with this. However if you can stick with it its a great film with a haunting atmosphere and a bloody, tragic ending. In some ways it actually feels like Rollins genre films, its depiction of the docks feels like one of the gothic settings of films like shivers of the vampires, and two orphan vampires. Worth watching.
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