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Old 9th September 2015, 09:57 AM
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Gold6082 Gold6082 is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
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Join Date: May 2009
Location: West Sussex

Sleepaway Camp II

Pamela Springsteen (Bruce's Sister) visits the "Glory Days" of the original by taking up the role of Angela from the Original. I enjoyed this as a kid on this revisit sadly my love for it is lost and a divorce is in order. The dialogue & acting are atrocious,the kills are not as shocking or well done as the original and I won't be in a hurry to watch it again, although the original & part 4 "return" I still have a lot of love for. 5/10


Some dross with Meg Tilly & Tim Matheson about an earthquake who disturbs the balance & disturbs a town's residents state of mind. Nowhere near as good as the artwork or plot suggests in fact it bored me witless 1/10


Fun Asian Anthology with a mix of humour,brutality and originality,sadly flew under the radar of many and should be watched at least once by anthology fans 8/10

Sweet Sixteen

A Decent Slasher on Blu which I had never seen before,it's not quite "Rosemary's Killer" but it certainly isn't no "final exam" either a young girls admirers end up meeting their maker,Patrick Mcnee stars 7/10


Monkey Shines meets Night of the creeps, a bizarre film to say the least in which an aggressive monkey dances around on the loose maiming anyone in it's path especially a bunch of oddballs playing dungeons and dragons,Roddy McDowell is on hand for that row of tent's camp element. The gore is not bad not as much fun as Romero's aforementioned piece from 2 years earlier but great fun. 7/10

Beyond Evil

Atrocious crapfest where Lynda Day George Lowers herself to appear, John Saxon moves in with a witch that looks like Grotbags with haemhorroids poorly excecuted in everyway possible directed by "herb Freed" which sounds like a Cannabis Plant on Parole. 1/10
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