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Old 13th September 2015, 01:13 AM
Metallicbomb Metallicbomb is offline
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Birmingham

And more Bava

I Vampiri - a film which Riccardo Freda originally directed but left on the last day of shooting so in stepped Mario Bava who was working on the film as a cinematographer. The film itself is an enjoyable film and a glimpse of what was to come with Bava's own Black Sunday. The special effects for the ageing scenes are amazing for it's time.

Black Sunday - wow what a film, a film that is very gruesome for it's time which led to it being banned in the UK for 8 years. Babara Steele is brillant in the main role(s), and the scenery is fantastic very creepy. It is amazing that the film is 55 years old it is ahead of it's time and can still be shocking today.

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