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Old 25th October 2015, 03:30 PM
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keirarts keirarts is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Barrow-in-furness
Blog Entries: 14

Halloween 2

Rob Zombie delivers a sequel that surpasses his original film, shock! I say that half in jest as most fans accept Devils Rejects was a better film than House of 1000 corpses however, and this may be controversial, I really, really like zombies Halloween 2. Essentially it kicks straight off from part 1 with Michael Myers escaping the ambulance that carries him off. He heads straight to Haddonfield hospital and it looks like we're in for a replay of the Hospital from part 2...except its all a dream, or is it. Admittedly its a flaw in the film but its never abundantly clear where the dream ends and reality begins as we re-join the now pierced and tattooed Laurie strode whose dealing with the events from part one, barely. She's pretty messed up to the annoyance of her friend Annie, played by Halloween stalwart Danielle Harris (nice to see zombie bringing her back for these.) and her father Sheriff Bracket, played by the ever awesome Brad Dourif. Meanwhile Dr Loomis has another book out and a revelation in it threatens to tear poor Lauries world apart. Even worse Michael has decided to head home and finish what he started.

Part of what I like about part 2 is what I liked about part one. The violence is savage and immediate and not at all jokey or comedic like it is in a lot of the later slasher flicks. In fact if anything its more brutal and direct here with Michael becoming the embodiment of pure rage. Some nice cameos (clint howard, richard Lynch, Udo Kier in the first, Caroline williams ect here) However what takes this over and makes it my favourite is the weirder elements zombie includes here. From the imagery of the white horse and his mother guiding him to the killings which could be either just plain madness or something supernatural to the weird hallucinatory imagery including the pit of bodies in the hospital, the weird fairy tail characters feasting.. its a trippier, weirder sequel that might even be happening in Lauries head as she sits in a psych ward (just one reading of it. ) I know a lot of people hate the zombie versions and I don't really blame them but I find myslef liking them more each time I watch them

and that folks is why I've not been posting so many reviews up recently..

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