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Old 19th November 2015, 09:08 PM
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trebor8273 trebor8273 is offline
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Well enjoying Star Wars battlefront a lot more than I thought. If it wasn't Star Wars I wouldn't of bought it. It looks gourgous and with the characters, music and sound effects it's a Star Wars fans dream. But with limited maps and modes and no single player campaign I would rate it a 7 if you aren't a Star Wars fan remove a point. But it's actually got me into playing online, even though im not to great and some people on it must have played it 24/7 since it came out with how good and what level and weapons they have, I still enjoy it.

So if you a fan of Star Wars and online games I would say give it a try, if you are a Star Wars fan but don't enjoy online give it a miss until it hits the £20 mark
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