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Old 14th February 2016, 11:40 AM
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MuckyFunster MuckyFunster is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: Oct 2014

I was born in 1985. My first memory of horror films was being taken to the video shops with my dad and being drawn towards the scary covers. I went to my dads every other weekend and we would always get a video out. The ones I remember the most clearly are the Fright Night film cases. Then when Predator 2 came out in the video shop my dad bought their display - a 6 foot tall cardboard cut out of the Predator which was all holographic silver, which he took home and it eventually ended up in the corner of my bedroom and stayed there for many years. Some years later the first horror film I really got into was The Fly 2 which my mate had on VHS and we would watch regularly. Once I got a tv in my room I would sit up and watch "Out There" with Emily Blunt, took notes, and went from there.

The first horrors I bought myself were ex-rental Vipco VHS tapes, and my prized VHS copy of Evil Dead 2. I had a fair old collection of them back in the day, but flogged them all on eBay once I started buying DVDs.

I think the only VHS tape I still have is an Australian release of "Don's Party".
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