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Old 22nd February 2016, 12:06 PM
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Originally Posted by keirarts View Post
Triple nine

almost a great movie, triple nine ends up being a merely good one thanks to some weak characterisation, generic plot and character archetypes. A gang of thieves are roped into 'one last job' by the russian-jewish mob operating out of Georgia. To pull it off they need to kill a police officer, activating a triple nine call that will make sure all officers are the other side of town. Fortunately being crooked cops this might be easier than imagined unless of course things go wrong...
I must stress that as generic as it sounds, this isn't a bad film per se' just a little lazy. Woody Harrelson plays the cop you expect him to play, casey affleck just wanders in and out of the film as a plot device, Kate winslet wastes an interesting role.. yet it still kept me interested enough to keep watching as John Hillcoat directs the hell out of the anaemic script. It looks lovely and the score is good.
It's between this and The Finest Hours for my cinema trip this week, I can't decide between the 2 as they both look equal in their 3/5 estimated review scores from me

Triumphant sight on a northern sky

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