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Old 28th February 2016, 09:43 PM
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iank iank is offline
Cult Acolyte
Join Date: May 2015
Location: QLD, Australia

Regression. A young girl (Emma Watson, still gorgeous ) accuses her father of abuse, who bizarrely confesses despite professing to have no memory of such crimes. When regression therapy appears to unlock the presence of others in the crime, the detective on the case (Ethan Hawke) begins to fear he is uncovering a Satanic cult conspiracy with potentially far-reaching implications... This 2015 thriller is a bit of a damp squib. It's not really bad, and it's well made and acted, but as I suspected before it even entered production it is loosely based on real events in the US in the 90s - and even says so itself at the start - and once you know that most of the mystery is drained from the film because you can almost entirely predict where it's going. The real life events are genuinely extraordinary, and it might have been a better idea to do a more straight-ahead movie about them rather than attempting to do a mystery film where at least some of the audience will know the answer from scene one.
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