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Old 18th March 2016, 06:43 AM
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keirarts keirarts is offline
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Originally Posted by gag View Post
Also first one was fresh and something new and different and for the year they wernt use to these type of films hence why it was shocking for its time, and also loosely got the story from a true story ed gein, where as chances the film might not have been made if wasnt for ed gein so made the film slightly more shocking, personaly because of all the reasons above imo tcm was way ahead of its time considering the year it was made, even tho not as shocking in todays standards still stands the test of time for how powerful a film can be when considering the actual violence and gore is almost none existence. And more plays on youre mind and makes it feel like there is because of all the chasing, doors slamming, chainsaw waving etc etc, and yet in todays films some film can be extremely violent wall to wall gore but yet be dull boring and shite and no one bats a eyelid and still isnt even half as controversial as tcm
The 2nd been that long since ive seen it really cant remember much about it just vaguely more than owt.
One of the most interesting takes on TCM was in Carol J Clovers book, men women and chainsaws. Worth checking out.


Seeing as I was working my way through some of the Cannon titles on my shelves it was inevitable that I'd get round to these, seeing as 101 have stuck them out with nice transfers. Its directed by schlock maestro Luigi Cozzi here as Lewis Coates and re-visits the sword and sandal epics that Italy once churned out in great numbers. In the intervening years epic fantasy pictures took over like Conan and its numerous knock off's, star wars, Krull ect. Cozzi for whatever reason seems to have decided to inject aspects of this and the film ends up with a bizarre Sci-Fi plot with king minos trying to subvert the gods with science. We even see Hercules battle stop motion animated robots! Some of the model work is clearly model work but looks quite lovely still with some great psychedelic colour choices, at points the film is so out there its actually genuinely funny. The greatest moment being when Hercules throws a bear into orbit and it becomes a constellation.
The film is no where near as good as Bava's Hercules in the haunted world however while its got a reputation as a terrible movie (not undeserved) its a lot of fun and I find it highly entertaining in a cheesy sort of way.

Hercules 2

The original was actually a big hit for Cannon so naturally we get a sequel. Here we see Zeus lose his seven Thunderbolts causing turmoil on earth and the rise of chaos, worse still the moon is threatening to collide with the earth. Only Hercules can retrieve the bolts from the monsters who have them hidden inside them and save the earth.
More of the same essentially. It feels cheaper in places and it's not as good in some respects however it remains entertaining enough and worth watching.

Sinbad of the seven seas.

Originally slated to be shot by Luigi Cozzi, he was replaced by Enzo G. Castellari who apparently totally re-wrote the picture and handed in three hours of footage which were shelved. Cozzi then came back and managed to fix the picture into something releasable. Its a little disjointed as a result but has some great action scenes and follows the plots used in a lot of earlier sinbad films showing the clash between Sinbad and the evil vizier Jaffar. Like the Hercules films its all a little daft but so long as you can handle that it is admittedly lots of fun.
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