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Old 30th March 2016, 08:12 AM
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Originally Posted by J Harker View Post
I keep saying, character motivation was the biggest problem. And not just Lex, its not that his plans didn't make sense, there just wasn't a reason for him to do the things he did. I struggled more with Batmans inexplicable desire to destroy Superman. I completely get his concerns about Supes powers and the risk to the world but not to the extreme it was taken. If he'd have wanted to develop a weapon as a back up in case that would have made perfect sense. But he just had a death wish for him which didn't make sense to me. Another thing that was a bit of a shambles i thought was the geography of the film. Metropolis and Gotham seem to just be splodged together. There was nothing to really define one from the other which meant the climax of the film felt a bit all over the shop. I really hope the extra thirty minutes flesh things out a bit and Snyder doesn't just add a load more bigbaddaboom!
Oh and the Aquaman cameo...erm its a bit shit? Was i meant to laugh out loud?
It was my understanding that Metropolis and Gotham have always been across from each other? Like Metropolis is in Delaware and modeled off New York and Gotham is in New Jersey and modeled after Chicago. This is why apppearances may fool but they're both on Delaware Bay
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