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Old 19th April 2016, 12:57 PM
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Originally Posted by fuzzymctiger View Post
Aw this will be a hard one, never really been into werewolves and not an awful lot to pick from

7. Curse of the WereRabbit
6. Trick r Treat
5. Wolfen
4. The Beast Within
3. Goosebumps
2. Dog Soldiers
1. American Werewolf in London

Dishonorable mentions go to the first two Underworld movies, the Twilight saga and Van Helsing for having werewolves but being so poor I wont even use them to fill my top ten.

Although I do get a bizarre enjoyment out of the first Twilight in a so bad it's hilarious cult way. It's just so cheap and cheesy and badly made it's almost like a fun B movie, but they lost that when they got a budget and remotely competent effects and direction.

Here comes the onslaught of "You haven't seen X????"

You haven't seen Michael Jackson in Thriller


Tut Tut

To be fair always taught that looked pretty cool.
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