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Old 25th April 2016, 11:50 PM
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Default Up and Coming Films

Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs View Post
What are your thoughts on it Stephen? Do you like the original. You keep your likes and dislikes fairly close to your chest most of the time.

I really like the original. That reminds me, I fell asleep the other night replying to J Harker when he asked me if there are any films I actually dislike. To answer that one here, I can watch pretty much anything and get some enjoyment out of it, even if it's a film others think is awful. It's like people who analyse films and can explain what the makers are trying to say. I don't have a clue tbh. Case in point, I watch The Delta Force and all I see is a romp with Chuck Norris blowing shit up. Calum ripped into me because I like it. Says it's racist. I honestky didn't see that. All I saw was Chuck doing his thing. Same with RoboCop, all I see is a guy being resurrected and killing people, and funny. I'm honestly not very bright, I don't think deeply about anything I watch, amd can't put into words (apart from these) why I like anything.

You asked!
"Give me grain or give me death!"

Last edited by Stephen@Cult Labs; 26th April 2016 at 07:12 AM. Reason: .
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