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Old 9th May 2016, 10:26 PM
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Originally Posted by bizarre_eye@Cult Labs View Post
Perhaps. I've seen your comedy shelf!

Mine has gone through quite a lot of transitions really.

Before I had a massive sort out a few years ago I had a lot of modern blockbusters and cheap horror stuff as I would blind-buy all the time and take advantage of the numerous in-store sales in HMV, MVC, Borders, Silver Screen and even W H Smith's before the high street was slain by the online behemoth that is Amazon. A lot has been purged and my DVD collection mainly consists of more cult horror/exploitation fare now. I've never really owned a lot of classic films of any genre really as my excuse would be that they're always easily obtainable/viewale so why would I need to buy them. With the diminishing state of physical media this is just no longer the case (or at least not as much of a certainty as it used to be) so since my switch to Blu I have been picking up more classic cinema, Noir, crime, silents etc. as it could very well be my last opportunity to own these films on disc. This also means that a lot of my Blus I've never owned on DVD before.

Now I'm a bit wiser (well, at least I consider myself to be!) in terms of what I purchase and tend to rent/stream a lot of stuff that I haven't seen rather than blind buying all the time and therefore amassing tonnes of stuff. I feel my collection is a little more attuned to my tastes than it may have once been during my blind-buying / hoarding peak as I'm more choosy in what I buy, but at the same time want to build up a varied collection of stuff I enjoy and will do for many years.
I think that's the thing really. Variety. As you say. It's now a case of building a library of what you'll want to keep for the future. As an example so many of the titles Network are releasing are rather niche but as someone who loves British films, if i don't get them now and indeed blind buy when will i ever see them? Now i don't know this for certain but i'd hazard the majority aren't on Netflix for example.

I'm still happy to pick up blind buys of new films when they drop in price to a couple of quid but not at £7 - £10.

By the way. That was just a comedy shelf. My classic comedies aren't with that lot.
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