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Old 1st June 2016, 01:44 PM
Michael Brooke Michael Brooke is offline
Seasoned Cultist
Join Date: Nov 2011

Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs View Post
Can anyone tell me how much longer The Firm directors cut is to the original version please?
The broadcast version is 66:59, the director's cut is 68:06 - so technically just over a minute.

But that doesn't tell the whole story, because the broadcast version also contains unique material - the entire opening sequence with Bex doing his estate-agent day job (concluding with the monkey impression, which also isn't in the director's cut), the initial scene with his dad (after his car is vandalised), a near-final scene where the police visit Sue, etc.

Also, running-time comparisons are blurred by the fact that there've been a few shot substitutions - the scene in which Sue is trying to seduce Bex in the kitchen is conducted in long shot in the director's cut but medium shot in the broadcast version, to eliminate some fairly blatant crotch-rubbing - and some dialogue has also been modified. So it's a bit like The Devils, where the running-time gap between the US and UK versions makes the differences seem a lot less pronounced than they actually are.
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