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Old 14th June 2016, 12:31 AM
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Eddie the eagle

Great British film done in true British style.
One man who believed in himself where no one else did, proves the fact no matter how many hurdles, knock backs, failures, etc if you believe in yourself then no matter how hard if you push yourself hard enough you can achieve you're dreams.
Even when at times he was slowly doubting himself and feeling sorry for himself and occasionaly felt like packing it in, he stood firm and proud, there was times you felt most people would have gave up long long ago, but with determination he achieved what he wanted to achieve even tho he knew deep down he was going to be a failure, all he wanted was to be part of some olympic team and he felt proud of himself that he achieved the best British score ever even tho its was shit and bismall, and moral of the story is never give up no matter what. And should feel proud of him just for that alone, i like the fact the film felt that it had to mention the Jamaican bob sleigh team, because both films where about achieving , I thought the film was entertaining and heartwarming with a hint of sadness. At times you felt like giving his dad a slap they way the constantly put him down. Lets be fair if my son wanted to achieve something no matter how impossible it was i wouldnt put him down, even if i thought he was stupid, i make some effort to believe in him even if was a fake believe, I for one certainly wouldnt put him down or laugh at him

Last edited by gag; 14th June 2016 at 08:30 AM.
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