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Old 25th July 2016, 08:18 PM
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trebor8273 trebor8273 is offline
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Star trek into the darkness

Kirk saves Spock's life breaking the prime directive who promptly squeals to starfleet costing Kirk his command. Not long after kirk is called to starfleet command with captain like and Spock after a starfleet archive is bombed by what is belived to be a starfleet officer, at said meeting the officer attacks killing pie and a number of other starfleet personal. Kirk sets out to hunt the man responsible for his mentors death. Its not long before we find out the killer is actually Khan a genetically enhanced human and that kirk is being set up by the admiral that sent him on the mission. More action packed than thee first but borrowing heavly from wrath of khan. Its nice to see here what khan is actually capable of . 8/10

The resurrected

Based on Lovecraft's the case of Charles Dexter Ward. Don't know how accurate it is too the story but I enjoyed the film which had some goods pratical effects for the time. 6.6/10

Ghostbusters (2016)

Of course it was never going to be as good as the orginal but wasn't half bad. A lot of the jokes fall flat but when they worked they were very funny. The ending was visually stunning and had me on the edge of my seat. Was not hard to see the reshoots were used to add jokes to poke fun and internet trolls etc, was fun spotting the original cast members cameo's. Never going to be a classic but for from being a disaster. I would going and see a sequel if one was done. 6.8/10

Now watching cocoon
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