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Old 6th August 2016, 10:28 PM
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trebor8273 trebor8273 is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: UK

Serpent and the rainbow

Excellent great performances all round, especially from the actor playing the bad guy who just ooze's menace and evil. Really scary in places and plays on the phobia we all have of being buried alive. I really don't know how accurate it is compared to the book, which I will have to read at some point. For me Cravens best. 9,6/10

Curse of the crimson altar

A man goes to investergate the disappearance of his brother and ends up at a small village in which he was last seen, which is celebrating the burning of a witch hundred of years ago, could this have a connection to his brothers disappearance? Very bizzare and trippy in places with a great cast that includes Christopher Lee and Boris Karloff. 7.7/10


A young man and his girlfriend boat hits some rocks so they make there way to a nearby village. Its not long before we suspect something isn't quite right with the village or its residents. A lot more gory and bloody than I remembered. 7.2/10

Now watching 50s B-Movie classic THEM!! Plan to watch Blackbeard's ghost tommorow which should be perfect Sunday afternoon viewing
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