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Old 19th September 2016, 09:52 PM
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Nordicdusk Nordicdusk is online now
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Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Ireland


Two couples are travelling across country to attend a concert when they stop off at a small hick town to use the bathroom in the towns diner. Its not long before they are upsetting the locals but lucky for them the towns sheriff steps in and give them some sound advice to skip town and not stop until they get to where they are headed. On the road again one of the females discovers she has lost her phone that contains all her personal details such as bank numbers and so on. They ring the phone and a man answers and agrees to meet them at the closest town to return the phone. The couples are pretty reluctant to make the meeting but the importance of the phone makes the decision a simple one but is the phone more important than their lives.

Clowntown kept me interested all the way from start to finish. The acting is pretty sketchy at times but there are no annoying characters which is always a great start. On the gore front it's decent but there is a fair bit of cut away from many of the impact shots but strangely i didn't actually bother me as much as usual. The music felt very similar to Halloween in parts which was a good thing really brought a good atmosphere and there is some great lighting for even more added atmosphere blues and greens being the mains colours used. Its nothing amazing or new but its worth a watch i was really surprised by it and the clowns look really cool especially this guy.


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