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Old 28th March 2017, 08:51 AM
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Justin101 Justin101 is offline
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I understand what fuzzymc is saying anyway as I originally mentioned that if I don't like them I can always sell or trade it in the future, I'm not looking to make money I'm looking to have a fun movie experience. Plus I don't think it's flipping or scalping if you sell a used item.

Anyway, I bought House yesterday and I watched the first film last night (which I had seen before but back in the late 80s as a pre-teen so it doesn't count). I really enjoyed it, I actually laughed a lot and the 'wife monster' was actually pretty disgusting. Great stuff. I'll watch the first doc after work and perhaps House 2.

So far so good although I'm expecting a decline in quality. It's a nice set though and the book is really good. If you count the book as a separate entity (and at 150-ish pages you should) then each piece in the set only costs £7.00 which is a damn good bargain if you ask me.

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