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Old 5th April 2017, 02:27 PM
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SymbioticFunction SymbioticFunction is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Chichester, UK.

Just ordered a UK blu-ray copy of Superman Returns for 6 pounds. I'd previously sold it off in one of my large purges of the blu-ray collection and have since regretted that decision.

Whilst I think that it's heavily flawed and would only award a 3/5 film score, there's still a lot to like. Brandon Routh makes for a great Superman, Kevin Spacey is an enjoyable villain, the film has a dark tone, it's good that the Williams score is re-used and the film has a couple of great Superman sequences (plane rescue and bullet in eye).

On the downside, there's just not enough action, the weak script has an unnecessary and unoriginal re-cap of Luthor's Superman 1 land plan and the choice to introduce a Superman child to the mix was a really bad idea that would have been highly problematic for future potential sequels.

It's also unfortunate that the film chooses to portray Superman as a creepy stalker, spying on Lane - he left Earth for 5 years without even saying goodbye, how or why would he be surprised or put out that Lane was in a new relationship?

Superman Returns - flawed and overlong (I suspect that children would find it boring) but still fairly enjoyable. An interesting take on Superman mythos even if some of the decisions taken were bad ideas.

Was heavily disappointed at the time of release as I had expected a killer movie after Singer's stellar work on the X-Men franchise and what was delivered was merely adequate. With hindsight, the film isn't as bad as it seemed at the time but it's not surprising that the franchise was completely rebooted instead of seeing sequels.
PSN user name: suspiria-inferno
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